Personalized Sessions

Ready to dive into your dietary needs?

Schedule An Appointment Online

Your first 60-minute session is focused on learning your lifestyle, pre-existing conditions, and overall health. We review any pertinent medical data including labs and medications you may routing take.  Together, we set up an action plan to work toward established short-term and long-term goals.

At the conclusion, our first visit we determine a schedule for 30-minute follow-up appointments.  Follow-up visits are necessary to review progress, modify plans to help you reach your goals, and address questions and any obstacles with which you are struggling.

Lisa Cooperman RDN

My name is Lisa Cooperman and I am a wife, mother, volunteer, Registered Dietitian and founder of Vital-U LLC. With over 20 years of experience, I have helped hundreds of clients eat safely, lower blood sugar, improve cholesterol and lose weight. Clients include busy professionals, individuals with new diagnosis, doctor referrals and even doctors. Besides helping individuals, I enjoy presenting nutrition information to groups of all sizes and help support company wellness programs. Life is flexible as is my schedule - let's talk soon.

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